Kitchen Challenge

We had been experience some technical difficulties with our blog the past few weeks, so we had to run the other three tips thorough our facebook page. The bugs have been kicked out and so, for our fourth and final blog in the spring-cleaning series, we have decided to talk about the Kitchen by implementing a cool and interesting cleaning “game” we have recently found out. We encourage anyone reading to try this method out and post their experiences in the comment section or by reaching out to us on social media. In an attempt to bring the best tips to you, we would definitely like to hear from you about your experiences. Enough of that, though, you’re here for the tips themselves, so we’ll get to it. Here’s the 30-day kitchen challenge.


Challenge Your Kitchen For Thirty days:


The challenge is simple enough. Get a box, a big box, and put it down right on the counter. You want it accessible and sort of in the way to promote actively thinking about your challenge. Now, with the box set-up, put all of your kitchen tools and utensils in the box. Your kitchen will be bare, but everything will be in this box so you’ll know where it is. Here’s how the challenge goes:


  1. Whenever you need something, go to the box and use it. When your done, the item is deemed useful so you can put it back in its proper spot.
  2. Repeat this process over the 30-day period
  3. Anything that doesn’t get used will be left in the box. If there are things in the box after 30 days, then it is safe to say you do not really need them cluttering up your kitchen space.
  4. Donate the box because, although you may not need what is leftover, someone else might need those exact items for their own kitchen.
  5. Enjoy the fruits of the challenge by beholding a clean and organized kitchen where everything in it is 100% useful.


Try this out for the month of May and get back to us on how it went. We know all to well how cleaning can be tedious, but by using this little challenge as a game for organization, you might find yourself enjoying the process and the outcome. 30-days may seem like a long time, but as the days go by you will notice your kitchen becoming less cluttered and more useful and that can only mean good things for you. For all the noise and clatter that comes with spring cleaning, we think that a slow approach could be a great way for you to get your kitchen done at a slow, steady pace that doesn’t put too much stress into your life. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed the month long spring-cleaning series we did for April, and look forward to bringing you the best tips and tricks around.